Friday, 20 June 2008

I start out on the 2nd of July

Well I am nearly off, on the 2nd of July I get on a plane from Cork and head first for a two hour stop over in Jo'berg and then on to Lusaka to start my year in Zambia. I hope to update this site every week with photos and stories. It would be lovely to hear from you all and to be updated on life else where.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Siobhan, I have so much admiration for the work you do at the Ranchhod Hospice. Bladins International is a school in Malmo which has the Children Centre at the Ranchhod Hospice as its dedicated charity. All the fund-raising is done completely by the students and we will be having our annual Skip/hoop-a-thon on the 17th April. We hope to raise some much needed cash for the children's centre again this year.
Keep up your great work.
Kind Regards
Ciara Wharton

This blog will give you an insight into my life in Kabwe, Zambia as a work as a nurse in the Ranchhod Hospice, caring for patients living with HIV. Mary Chiddgey an Irish nurse 4 years ago founded the Ranchhod Hospice. The facility has 20 beds and cares for Adults and Children living with HIV/AIDS. Four Zambian nurses, care givers, cook, cleaners and laundry man all work in the Hospice. The Hospice provides a warm, friendly and peaceful environment for the patients and staff. With all the hardship of life and illness both patients and staff endure there is never a shortage of smiles and laughter. Affiliated with the hospice are also two children day centers that provide health care, nutrition and support to 120 orphaned children. The hospice also has an out reach programme that provides health care, food supplements and social support to the surrounding communities.